"What kind of Transportation should I take from Taipei to Taichung?"
"Is there any way that I could travel without vehicles, or just on foot? Is it possible? "
my foreign friends always said to me.
我的外國朋友來台灣玩時常問我說 : 「從台北到台中坐甚麼交通工具比較好呀?」
「有除了坐車以外的任何方式,能夠到達台中嗎 ?」
Actually Taiwan is such a small island, all the weird methods we thought have been carried out.
If some ideas popping up in your mind, just try it. You must have a lot company travlling with you on the road.
Introduction of Taiwan :
Illustrated is the quick view of the cost and time-consuming from Taipei to Taichung. Take it as reference when travelling!
下面這張圖,是完整的台北 - 台中 交通方式,下次來台中玩帶著它,做甚麼車多少錢完全部用煩惱了!!
original big size version : click me
A. Taiwan Railway (TRA)
Online Booking : available
Cost : Medium-level price, NTD 240-350
Time-consuming : 2.5 -3 hours
Suggestion :
1.Two weeks prior to departure date is allowed to be booked (兩個禮拜前的火車不能預定)
2.Local train is cheaper than Chu-Quang and then Tze-Chiang express. if you want to savor the scenic spot on trian, local train is the best choice!
(區間車的價錢 < 莒光號 < 自強號)
B.High Speed railway (HSR)
Online booking : available
Cost : High price, NTD 740-765 (economy site)
Time-consuming : 40 minutes minutes
1.Spacious benefits for "early bird"customers! (早鳥票於出發28天前開賣,隨著65折的票被搶光會開放8折的票,接下來是9折的票)
2.Taichung high speed railway station is located in Wuri township, 10Km away from Taichung train station.
Following is the way transfer to Taichung train station :
Local Bus : about 30 min , NTD15
(no.33, no.82, no.103)
Taxi : about 15 min , <NTD250
Local train : about 10 min, NTD15 ( 2 mins by Connection pathway to Xinwuri train station on foot)
Another Destination :
Airport : no.156 bus High Speed railway -> Taichung airport takes 1 hour
C. Long-distance bus
Online booking : Avaliable, but no English version.
Cost : Cheep-level price NTD 200-250
Time-consuming : 2.5-3 hours.
Suggestion :
You could buy ticket on the reception in Taipei bus station.
D. Cycling
Rent bike in local bicycle shop.
1 day = 500 5 days = 1000 ...........
You could rent bike here :
TEL:02-2652-2520 行動(移動):0932-033228
淡水區中正東路6-1號 (Near Danshue MRT station 2 Exit)
TEL : (02) 2626-3233
E. Riding Scooter
It's 150 Km from Taipei to Taichung.
Rental Fee in Taipei is pretty high.(aroung 600/per day)
Suggestion :
Riding Provincal road no.3 is quicker than no.1.
no.3 is mountain side, no.1 is city side
F. On Foot
Think you are the first forigner travel around Taiwan on foot!
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FB粉絲團 : Tour4U 玩島達人