"What kind of Transportation should I take from Taipei to Taichung?"
"Is there any way that I could travel without vehicles, or just on foot? Is it possible? "
my foreign friends always said to me.
我的外國朋友來台灣玩時常問我說 : 「從台北到台中坐甚麼交通工具比較好呀?」
「有除了坐車以外的任何方式,能夠到達台中嗎 ?」
Actually Taiwan is such a small island, all the weird methods we thought have been carried out.
If some ideas popping up in your mind, just try it. You must have a lot company travlling with you on the road.
Introduction of Taiwan :
Illustrated is the quick view of the cost and time-consuming from Taipei to Taichung. Take it as reference when travelling!
下面這張圖,是完整的台北 - 台中 交通方式,下次來台中玩帶著它,做甚麼車多少錢完全部用煩惱了!!
original big size version : click me